Thursday, August 19, 2010

6th Mths complete...

MIA completes 6 mths day before by the AD calendar and she completes 6 mths day after by the BC calendar hahaha, it’s funny though. However, she is stepping on her 7th mth with full of new energy. In the last mth she could roll on her back, she could sit without support, recognize her fren Anna and the most important thing was that she has learnt to cry less less and laugh more more. Loving every moment of it. My frens call her lucky as I have left my job to be with her and me lucky, as I could watch her grow in front of me.
It is kind of difficult to feed her, but I guess it is to all the kids her age. Her fav is the laughing cow cheese spread to which she never says no. I am planning to introduce avocado from today. Let’s see how it goes. Hope she likes it.

Cheese time

Every morning she goes for a morning walk in the garden, with her Baba and with me whenever he is not at home to talk with her favorite flowers and watch pigeons.

Pigeon watching

Talking to her fav flowers

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