Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mamaghar Time

Mama and Bhanji
Even if I have promised, I have not been a regular writer. Oh it’s already been a week. Sorry for that, but I ain’t gonna miss any important event of ur life MIA. Took her to Sanepa (her mamaghar) twice. Saturday was Chanda’s laa baji time (all her relatives comes to see her and the baby, food comes from her home so that she could go there). I had get - together in Chopstixs that same day (Richa, Krysma, Priti a nd Reetu). Went there after putting ger to sleep. As soon I reached there, bhai called. MIA had woken up and crying. The get together was over for mr there and then. We have cancelled the plan of me going to Bankok. Both of us think its not a good idea. This time however, she didn’t give me hard time in Sanepa and played with everybody. She is scared of Junge Ba’s Jungaa though. Her Baba has lot of patience, I should say. He keeps editing and organizing each and every picture of hers.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mom Mom Where R U ...??

Smile to die for

You can’t even express how you feel when she looks at you all the time. The phase has come where MIA wants only her mom. She does play with others too, but when I am there, then it has to me only me. She loves to pull my hair and rub her tongue my face. Mummy says MIA is kissing me and showing her love. Mummy wants MIA to do the same to her and takes her cheek infront of MIA, but she just turns her face. We laugh whenever she does this. Today I added apple with her cerelac, and she loved it. It was Richa’s idea. Thank god for I met her yesterday and got so many tips. Whenever I am holding her, she hardly go to other people, but she just loves daddy and Nirmala. I think it
is quite difficult for her to get really close with her Baba, as he goes to work and sometimes doesn’t return for four days (whenever he flies to Pok), but I know she’s gonna be baba’s gal all the way.

She closes her eyes as soon as I sing ;

Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what u r
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
I sing few lullabies that are her favourites;
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came running after

Ba ba black sheep
Have u any wool
Yes sir yes sir three bags full
One for my master one for the dame
One for the little gal who lives down the lane

The one that I made up is:
Nunu nunu baba mero chori
Nunu gara raja, mero baba
Mamu ko chori, baba ko chori
Ye mero baba, nunu gara raja

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cerelac Time

Cerelac time with Baba

We started feeding MIA cerelac from yesterday. Seeing the bowl and spoon she got really excited. I wasn’t expecting such a reaction. From the past few days it has been really difficult to manage her by others especially while sleeping. She used to sleep in her Baba’s and Nirmalas’(nanny) arms at least. This afternoon I had to put her to sleep as she cried while Nirmala was putting her to sleep. She has even started drinking water from past few days.

Friday, July 16, 2010

5 mths old.......

It’s amazing how a 5 mths old could know who is holding her and putting her to sleep. MIA has started opening her eyes in between her sleep to see who is putting her to sleep. This is just one of the new habits that she has developed in the last few days. Her baba is amazed as she used to sleep in his arms easily. Being a mother I take pride that she wants to be with me all the time, but I get tired not of her love but the physical stamina that I have to put through as I hold her for a long time, sing to her, play with her, sooth her and feed her. I know these are the joys that I would never ever get from anywhere and I am not complaining yet. Once she looks at you with that heavenly smile u forget all the hardwork and pain.

Monday, July 5, 2010

MIA'S DIARY 2010 -

I am starting this diary exactly 5 mths late, after a birth of our daughter “MIA”. This is the name given to her by her Baba which means “My” in Italian. MIA also means “Rebellion”. Hope she rebels for the right cause.

It was 3 am in the morning when my water broke. We went to the hospital at 8:30 to have a normal delivery. After the checkup doctor said that it has to be an operation. I wasn’t afraid at all. All through the operation I was chanting “Gayatri Mantra”. Later I got to know from my aunt that I was supposed to chant “Maha Mritunjaya”.

MIA was born at 10:05 am on 17th Feb, 2010 Friday. She weighs 3.8kg. As soon as the surgeon took her out from my womb, I heard one of them saying. It’s a daughter born at 10:05. After few minutes, a doctor came to me on the operation table with my daughter all wrapped up in a blanket. I just got a seconds glimpse of her.
The day she was born 17th Feb, 2010 Wednesday

After four days in the hospital we were discharged. We came home all excited with the new member of the family. We got totally busy looking after her.
With MIA, our happiness doubled, it was a sheer joy to watch her grow every day. With her we laughed and cried. She loved to bath and never cried. I didn’t know how to bath her in the beginning. Sometimes it was her nanny and the other times, her Ramani Ma or Fufu Ma. Today I pride myself as I bath her on my own (of course with the help of her Baba and nanny). I don’t think she enjoyed oil massage as much as bathing

Bathing Time =Happy Time

Ramani Ma giving her oil massages

Whenever we had to take her for injections, I never held her as I was really scared to hear her crying. One of my worst time was when we took her for ear piercing, when she was 3 mths old, she cried her lungs out for few seconds after each hit. Wish I had pierced it when she was even younger with needles.

21st June was her Paasni (Rice Feeding Ceremony). It is also my birthday. We wanted Myra to be born on the same day as well, but God had other plans. She was born on the 22nd June. After lots of I confusion, the ceremony got over really well.
The confusion was regarding the birth of Myra, if she was born in the exact date that doctor gave, then bhai (MIA’s mama) would not have been able to attend the ceremony (jhuto laagcha)for 11 days. There was also a saying that if her tooth comes before the ceremony gets over then it would harm her Mama. Luckily her first tooth came after 6 days. We had a small get together of close family and friends on the 9th July in the Chopstixs restaurant in Teku.
Our little princess getting gifts in the party

MIA’s got many names; I call her “Jaaneman”, which means my life. Both I and her Baba love to call her choru and baba. Mummy and Daddy calls her “bhuntulu” and her Junge Ba calls her “Punti”. Her fufuma calls her “bhuntu” and her aruna di calls her”Bhunti”. Other then all these names she is got quite a few nicknames like; duluwa singh as she likes to go out, baiguni as she is with others till she wants and then sees only me, twale as she stares, ryale etc etc.

Baba took 5 days leave to be with his darling choru from 12th -16th July and luckily another two days got extended. We took her to many places during this week.

Sherpa mall


City Center, Food Court with Pooja Ma

Pizza Hut on Mom and Dad’s anni

I have promised myself to write everyday from now onwards. Let’s see how active and regular I could get. If I succeed, then it would be a gift from Baba and Mamu to their darling “Choru” as we lovingly call her.