Monday, February 18, 2013

Mia turns 3

Mia celebrated her 3rd b'day in sanepa and she had fun. She loved the Kurta I got her and also the lehenga mummy got her. Loved the barbie cake too. She has become so stubborn and naughty, sometimes it's really bad. I think this is also one of the phase and hope it will pass soon. She stared her school from last week (13 feb) and is enjoying. Went to school for 3 days and already holiday for 4 days haha

Monday, February 11, 2013

Last week of being 2

Mia is going to turn 3 this Saturday and oh she is very excited for her birthday... Bought her a Kurta shalwar ... Of course her demand ... She is also starting her school from this Wednesday . It's called KOPILA COTTAGE.. And yes she is very excited.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Back wit a bang

Oh haha I am back with a bang I hope... On my ipad. Lets see how far can I go ... Mia is going to be three next month. Oh how time flies. I am posting few memories of 2nd year.

These are few pic of Mia swimming in kurintar, she loves to use FaceTime on ipad by herself, her 2nd bday post in kopila daily paper... Her fake sleeping and real crying moments captured and that was supposed to be mickey mouse's face on her cake haha

Thursday, September 1, 2011

oh I have been so lazy so lazy so lazy...i am ashamed of myself...its nearly been one year and i haven't updated my blog. I wanted to write each and everything about MIA and her growing up years...why have I become so lazy why why?? . .

26th Dec 2010

Mia first zoo visit I was so very excited to take her to the zoo that i had planned the trip a week ahead. I wanted her to have a day out as well as enjoy it. So three of us her nanny me and prabhat took her to the zoo. As sad as it sounds, I was really disappointed to see the condition of our national zoo. It was so ill maintained... Couldn't see much of the animals either. I think the only time MIA enjoyed was seeing a monkey jumping... To see few colourgul birds and off course when she saw guinepigs ( haha small black and white sppotted rats). More than animals she enjoyed watching the children who had come to visit the zoo.
watching monkeys
picnic time
family time

30th Nov 2010

First Non Veg Meal Yesterday I gave Mia her first non veg meal , but she didn't much like it. It was a chicken liver mixed with rice veg and lentil. She is becoming more and more energetic day by day. She could now say mama and baba and her favourite word is " naayee" which means " no". She says no to almost everything. The only problem with her is she is fussy about food. She doesn't like to eat and whatever she likes doesn't suit her health. She loves banana, biscuit and cheese and it gives her constipation. I have started giving her aayurvedic medicine because of it. It cuts my heart to see her in pain. She is just 9 and a half month old. She is such a joy to watch every move and action of hers. Lifes' beautiful and it has given both prabhat and me the whole new precious meaning and it has taught us to cherish life even more. We love you MIA

15th Nov 2010

Mia and I have come to Sanepa for a nite stay. We don't do that much. dad's not well that is the reason. she kind gelled with everyone. Though she wants me infront of her all the time. She has learnt to clap and call. She can show where the nose is and whenever I ask her where is my nose she lafs showing it. She also started crawling , I didn't wanted her to but u don't get everything that u want

13th November 2010

Got up at three coz MIA got up at that time ... She woke up four time by the time it was four . Slept for 45 mins and was again up at 4:45. Now she just went to sleep at 9:45, and here I am wide awake. Tiring. Sleepy but not able to sleep. Tihar from Tom, and MIA's first. Dashain was fun. I think she enjoyed it a lot and hopefully she will enjoy tihar too. She fell sick almost for two weeks from cold and cough. Thank god it's over now . So much if torture. Wasn't able to take her out anywhere. Though in dashain we took her to the bhadrakali temple and she enjoyed the outing this time. Took her to Bhat- bhateni too. She loved all the colourful display there. She is learning new words everyday like , she knows where is the clock or the gas. She cud Also show me my nose when asked but lafs whever she shows it to me. She loves to pull my hair And enjoys doin it. I think she hates it when Nirmala shows up these days. She is beginning to understand that we leave her in nirmala's care which she doesn't prefer. The only problem with her is in the nite, she wakes up around four to five times And it can really be difficult.
Mia looking at the dog while Kakku doing the puja
Laxmi puja with Baba
mha puja with family
Mia giving money to "Bhailo"
Mia lighting a candle with Baba
watching firecrackers with Daddy

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

first month of 2011

11th Jan 2011 Mia started walking unaided from today and she just loves to walk. She plays hide and seek and she loves to hide behind the window.
messy eater
mia wit daddy
trying to walk by herself
cosy in mamu's lap
with shreeta maa myra in mamaghar
she wants mummy's bag
happy to walk without help few memories of mia on jan 2011.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

MIA's First Cold

MIA got her first cold last Friday with indigestion. It was really difficult for us to see her suffer coughing. We took her to the doc last nite and gave her medicine. Her cold and cough is better today and also her tummy. She hasn't Been eating well from the past few days. Dashain's just got over and we cudn't go to didi's dashain party and my fren Srijana's daughter's 2nd year b'day party. Thank god she got it after dashain coz she was able to enjoy it and we had fun with her.
bhadrakali temple with baba
ready for dashain party
kumari puja
tika haha

Friday, October 15, 2010

Life is beautiful

Each day spent with MIA is so much of fun. Life is beautiful. She is more in love with her Baba than with me and I tell him that’s coz she loves to go out and he takes her out as an whenever she wants. I am not complaining. It gives me immense pleasure to watch them together. From the past few weeks she has started to wave bye bye. She just looks adorable whenever she does that. Last week when we went to Sanepa, she scolded fufuma hahah it was so funny the way she screamed whenever fufu tried to carry her.
MIA’s first track suit
She wants to write her diary

Do I look cool…with Baba dear
I love my family…Happy Father’s day to Junge BaGood Morning All
With Nat who got me Elmo from Australia

Nat met her in Sanepa when she had come down for her project. Sarah, Sam and she got MIA an Elmo.
Ananta Uncle got me the blocks