Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's day

Going for the training to Nawalparasi on the 14. Kinda exicited as this is the first time I am going as a facilitator and not the participant. Mother's day over, nothing much happenned. Bought a saree for my mom in law as usual. thulo mom was also there for the mother's day. It was kinda fun. Had wrote an article for midway for mother's day, but didn't get published because the publication house received it late. so will just put it down here.

Mother's day comes and goes, but the memories linger and stay with us for a long time. Mother's day has been difficult for me since my mother expired of cancer almost two years back. There are many things I miss about her, but, what I miss the most is the sharing of my worries and happiness with her. Sometimes I get a twinge of sadness, because I used to fight with her for childish reasons and think about the love and patience that she always showed to me. I could never give back even a tiny fraction of what she gave me.Every Mother's Day, I bought her gifts, that I thought she liked and went shopping all over the place looking for that something special, then I realized that the only gift that she ever really wanted was my love.Even in the last days of her life , I never saw her sad, though I knew she was in terrible pain. We never let her know that she had a cancer, and hope she never came to know about it till the end, and we celebrated the last Mother's day together. Sometimes, how I longed to pick up the phone and call the person, who was not only my mother, but also my best friend, to tell her that the love and inspiration, she showered me all her life has made me stronger and happier. But I couldn't.Though she is not with me today, her love for me lives in other ways too. It visits me in the spring when the flowers, she planted before she died blooms, or when I see a mango grow in my garden. It comes to me from the people she knows, when they tells me how helpful and wonderful a person she was. It makes me smile.In each Mother's day I have lots of bittersweet recollections. I rejoice that in the world of abused and forsaken children, I had a mother who cherished me and nurtured me. Who taught me right from wrong. I cry in the night when the world is asleep, because I miss my Mother, her friendship, her strength, her humor and above all her love for me.There is a creed in Robert Fulghum’s wonderful book, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. It is called the “Storytellers Creed” and it writes in part; That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.Love truly is stronger than death because it comes from God and I believe that there will be no more goodbyes, as there will be no tears in heaven. And this Mother's day the only thing I want to say to my dear mother is; Capitulate in your love, I feel alive, my joy lies in your arms and in your poignant care. Heaven is there, where, the soul of yours, reinforcing love everywhere. Happy Mothers Day.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Beginning

It's been so long I have been wanting to create a blog of my own. Finally the day is arrived. Don't know what am I gonna write on this, hopefully something fresh and nice. After a longest vacation of my life, I am back to work and am enjoying. Life is going great.

Kanchi (my Pup) is not well and I am so depressed coz of that. She looks so helpless and tired. Wish I could do something for her. Bhai abd me chatted till one last nite. Nothing in particular, but about everything. He is getting married and I just want to see him settlled. This is it for now I guess, but will be back with a bang. I promise :))